Ladies I need serious help please

Hey ladies! 
Last Monday I had 2 BFP from boots own brand digital and clear blue which said 1-2 weeks. They were both taking around 5pm so my doctor said my Hcg levels must be good! 
I have a blood disorder which means I need daily clexane injections so I started those on Tuesday.
On Friday I started bleeding bright red blood - no pain. (This also happened with daughter who's now 3)
Went to a&e and the doctor some a vaginal scan and said everything looked perfect from the outside in early pregnancy and has booked us in for a scan for tomorrow to check baby from inside. 
Yesterday I foolishly took another pregnancy test which came back negative. So now naturally I'm in a panic. 
I should be around 5-6 weeks is it possible I could of got a false negative or do you all think I've lost the baby? 😔
Please please reply xx