Newborn surgery right after birth

Madison • Mother to Evie (7) and Quinn EDD 8/30/15
Are there any moms out there who have had or will have a newborn that requires surgery right after birth? 
I went a routine US and my doc found a "double bubble" in my baby's stomach. It appears that she will need surgery to remove the blockage right after birth and she will be in the NICU for a couple of weeks.
I am devastated. I was looking forward to her birth. I am almost 36 weeks. Now I don't want her to come out because I know it will be long period of pain followed by more fear.  Has anyone else gone through this? I have my car seat all ready and her bag and now I'm wondering if I should even install it or bring the bag I mean... I don't know. I am very depressed and shocked. Anything is helpful.