Sup this was pretty intense

AmmSam12152 • In love since day one almost four years ago. Ready for a family and a wedding. But Oops the little one is coming first. Our little pumpkin head will be 8 months old at our wedding in the sand.

Hey ladies I have only told my mother what I recently discovered via hypnosis therapies.

Ever since I was 13 Iv had the same or similar nightmare of being horribly raped and held against my will for what seemed like a long period of time. I have been seeing a therapist about these dreams and other thoughts that I've had since I was young for years. Last year my therapist referred my to a hypno therapist because he believed I had repressed some childhood trauma. I had seven sessions with hypnosis and the Dr said he thinks he's onto something but wanted to speak with my parents now this was only strange because I'm a grow woman but but parents agreed to meet with him. After meeting with them and speaking with my middle school and high school councillor and one last hypno session with me he finally broke the wall and when explain ng the situation to me while asking me to relive my dream under hypnosis I realized the man in my dream was a friend from schools dad. And he did hold me against my will for what seemed like a long time and he did rape me but I repressed it all to me none of it seemed real or felt like it actually happened I had no memory of it. But mom and dad agreed to the sleep over with my school friend not knowing that friend was with her mom and I was staying alone with her dad for two nights and all weekend along.

So I just wanted to get my story out there so that other woman who have dreams or maybe thoughts that don't feel like memories but never go away.

please think twice about getting help and talking to some one because you may never know what has happened to you if you don't try.