First month trying SMEP

This is our 2nd month TTC #1. I'm 29 and DH is 30. I had a vaginal myomectomy in March for uterine fibroid removal. The doctor cleared us to TTC in June (during my fertile week) but we had a big vacation planned and planned to drink. We officially started TTC in July. I'm using clearblue advanced digital opks, taking prenatals, I've taken evening primrose oil off and on since my period ended, trying to drink grapefruit juice (helps with cervical mucus), and we are doing SMEP with preseed. I figured we might as well do everything we can! Once ovulation ends I'll probably eat pineapple with the core. Why not throw in the kitchen sink?!? 😂😂😂 My cycles have been around 33 days since surgery and coming off the pill. We started BD-ing every other day on cd 6 and just BD on cd 16. I've had 3 high days/flashing smileys and hope tomorrow I will have peak fertility/solid smiley! If positive tomorrow we will BD Thursday, Friday and Saturday skip Sunday and then BD Monday! Baby dust to everyone and hopefully SMEP = BFP!