I went into labor at 7 pm on 8/4, onBaby's due date

Sarah • 31 pregnant w/ 5th baby, third girl
I went into labor at 7 pm on 8/4, on
Baby's due date. Contractions were spotty and inconsistent at first, but painful. By 10 pm they had been 2 mins apart for an hour and a half, very painful! We took the 40 min drive to the Kaiser Sunnyside hospital where they treated me like an inconvenience and told me I wasn't in active labor.  My labor had slowed once I laid on the table for an examination... I was dilated to 3 (but I knew I was in true labor as this was my fifth baby and was typical of me.). Do you think they cared? They were full and didn't want to admit me. We ended up driving 40 mins back home, contractions all the way! Laid down in bed for 30 mins where they intensified.  I got up to use the potty and my water broke.  I thought my contractions were bad before! I wasn't going back to Sunnyside!  They were terrible!  So we drove 15 mins to our Legacy hospital and I didn't regret that for a second! Got into a room right away, no waiting.  I got checked and was dilated to a 5.  One hour later I had an epidural.  Relief at last!  I pushed for ten minutes in the end and gave birth on 8/5 at 556am.  Adalyn Hope born at 6lb5oz 19.5 inches long.  She pooped in my belly but she came out just fine, no issues with an apgar of 8. ☺️💕