Been a little busy! Maylee Grace! 💕

Thursday July 23 I went in for a weekly appointment (37 weeks)...after checking me doctor said she thought baby night be breach so sent me to another room for an US. The technician confirmed she was breach but her amniotic fluid was also low. So she sent my doctor in and long story short she told me I was having my baby that day!  She was concerned that the placenta could quit working at any time (or it could have lasted another 3 weeks but she didn't want to risk it). So she had me go home, pack my bag and head right back to the hospital where they had me hooked up to monitors for hours until they could get me in for the c-section in the late afternoon. I was completely shocked and immediately started crying. I didn't want to have a c-section but I knew it was best for my baby. 
Maylee Grace came into the world at 4:17pm on July 23! 6lbs 10oz 19in
She's perfect and we couldn't be happier! 
She was able to latch right on after surgery and have had great success breastfeeding since! Between nursing and trying to sleep I haven't had much time, so sorry I'm just announcing this to you ladies!
I hope you're all doing great and making progression on becoming mommies yourselves!Â