Third Trimester Check In

Jennifer • Baby BOY arriving mid-November
Hi Everyone! I've been a little MIA, so many things going on. Thought I'd post an update (Ashley thanks for checking in). First off, my goodness, Vanessa, my thoughts are with you as you struggle through this time. I am so sorry you're having to go through this. I mean it just doesn't seem fair. Ashley, hang in there girl, I have a good feeling about the <a href="">IUI</a> process for you, and you seem to be very positive about everything. Megan: hang in there too, it'll happen (though I know hearing those words are little consolation). 
As for me: I'm 31 weeks today and hanging in there. About 3 weeks ago I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. After being depressed about it, I've come to terms with it and am keeping a positive outlook. I have to test my blood sugar 4x per day and most have been in the normal range. I have not had to go on insulin yet, and I'm trying my hardest to focus on my diet (few to no carbs/ high protein) so that I won't have to. But BOY is it hard. Our county fair is this coming week and I'm allowing myself one cheat day (doc said it's fine). Had a reg OB appt today and baby boy is head down already. Just started feeling some Braxton Hicks, at least that's what I hope they are. Ironically, my cousin (who is 2 weeks ahead of me) just had her baby today, 7 weeks early. So this news has put me in a tailspin to make sure things are ready at home, and emergency sub plans are written for work. I'm hoping (and thinking) he stays in until I start my maternity leave (Oct. 30th), but ya never know what can happen...