God's Timing Is perfect Timing :]♡♡♡☆☆☆

I just want to encourage any and everyone at this very moment! Don't loose hope and pray for your hearts desires. It may not be right when we want it to happen, but it will happen when God sees fit for it to happen! This has been a very long draining couple of years. Seeing everyone else get pregnant and even those that don't care about the well being of their newborn breaks my heart. I know that God's plan is the best plan for each and everyone of us:) Be encouraged know that when the storm is over, you will see the sun shine! Stay positive ladies remember that everything happens for a reason. We all will be Mother's very soon:) Have faith ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN ♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆