Harlow is here!

Raquel • Mom to be
She arrived on 08/09/15 at 9:38am! The previous Tuesday, I found out I was 3.5cm dilated and having regular painful contractions. They sent me home since I was 36w2d and didn't progressed from there. Contractions stopped and I honestly felt silly for 'making such a big deal'. The week went by and I kept doing things as usual: cleaning, vacuuming, cooking, went for walks... But by Friday I was feeling very tired, achy and a little moody. On Saturday I woke up feeling somehow different. At 10:45pm I heard a pop and got up to the bathroom, immediately a big gush of water came out. My husband had to convinced me that indeed those were my waters and that we had to go to the hospital ASAP! I told him to chillax, that we had hours. I took a shower, grab my make up bag and patiently got dressed cause I was feeling fine, no pain at all, just small contractions. We arrived at the hospital at 11:30pm and they test me and confirmed that my waters broke. They admitted me immediately. I was kind of confused because at this point I was feeling good to this point. They gave me some fluids and pennicilin (gbs test positive). The pain increased, I was 5cm. By 01:30am the contractions were very very painful, sharp, I couldn't move, talk, I started crying, the pain felt unbearable. I asked for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came in but before they checked me and I was a little over 8cm. I was begging them to help me and screaming in desperate pain. The gave me the epidural, which took some 20min to relief my pain. All this time my husband was right there, being so patient and supportive. The epidural felt so good, I was myself again. It did slowed my progress a little bit. By 06:30am we were 10cm, ready to push. I couldn't believe it. I never took birthing classes or anything, I just followed the instructions that were given. I was naked and didn't care. At that moment all I wanted was my baby out  to make sure she was healthy. 3 hours later I experience one of the most beautiful moments in my life: I saw her coming out and placed in my chest. I cried, she was perfect, she was ours! Harlow came at 37w exactly, 5lbs 5oz and 17.5 inches. Two years ago, I'd have never seen myself married, giving birth and experiencing so much happiness. I am thankful to our Creator for blessing me with a good husband and a sweet baby.