
Two consecutive days I find out my friends are pregnant. One is due the same week I was, the other two weeks after. I'm excited just disheartened. 
I had a lab draw today to check hcg but haven't gotten the results- and I'm anxious. The last was 51, so hopefully it's 0. I started testing with opks just to cure my curiosity and I got peak values on the digital, not the solid smiley face yet- and I'm ok with that. 
I got the ok from my dr it was ok to try again but the triage nurse basically gave me a slap on the wrist when I told her I was opk testing. I was just curious if it was true I could actually be ovulating. 
It's like as soon as I'm ok with losing the babe, the next day it gets worse. I'm tired of being stuck at the mercy of time. I just want to hit the fast forward button on life to the part where I'm not sad any more, everyone is on the same page, and maybe a happy healthy pregnancy would be a cherry on top.