Did you poo or wee whilst giving birth?

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Before I gave birth someone from the medical field told me the only bodily fluid they won't see while you give birth is your bone marrow. 😂 Between pee, poop, vomit, blood, and amniotic fluid you have lots of options to be a complete mess, and it's completely normal. They will just wipe it away and won't even mention it to you. When you push, they tell you that it's exactly like going to the bathroom. My doctor said to me, "Listen, you have two options: either you feel awkward about the possibility of pooping and this process is going to take a long time because you won't be pushing properly. Or you are just not going to worry about it and have a baby." Trust me, you will stop caring and have that baby. It will be the least of your worries. 


Hanan • Aug 12, 2015
Bone marrow..thats hilarious😂😂😂


Posted at
Well I had a catheter so I didnt pee, but poop yeah I did, and it was awful because my epidural didn't work so I knew I was doing it, and of course my husband was watching! #awkward 🙈


Posted at
I had a cath but no I didn't pooling either of mine and it was all on video so I know for sure! But blood amniotic fluid vomit yeah those are all covered! My best friend had her baby about 8 weeks later and I was her labor coach. Her boyfriend was up by her head and he just looked at her like omg! She was pooping little bits with each push. No big deal for me but she and he were both embarrassed! It's just poop! You're pushing a giant thing out of a tiny hole of course some things are going to come out that aren't supposed to! 


Posted at
No, but I really wouldn't have cared at that point if I had 😂 plus anytime I moved amniotic fluid mixed with meconium would come out so technically that's poop.I thought I would still be a bit self co soon about that stuff but all dignity went out the window and I didn't  even care, lol


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I was pushing - afraid to poop - them I said okay I'm gonna shit cause I'm pushing with all my might like I have to poop - then along with some poop - out she popped like a rocket lol 


Kaysie • Aug 21, 2015


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Yep in the tub while laboring! Oh and my husband was in the tub too (behind me rubbing my back) so I basically pooped on him. He's a farmer and pulls baby cows all the time so he reminds me that he's experienced with stuff like that haha! ;)


Posted at
It's likely that a lot of the people who are saying no just didn't notice. I wouldn't have known I did if I hadn't caught a glimpse in a reflection of one of the nurses cleaning up discreetly. It's gross and embarrassing to think about, but I promise you just don't care in the moment.