Finally here!

Ashley • 08-11-15 💙👶🏻CRJ 03-15-18💜👶🏻EAJ 01-22-21💚👶🏼
Baby was due August 7, I went in to be induced at 8 pm on the 10th! I had just had my membranes swept a week before, and when I got to the hospital to be induced I received cervadil. That stayed in 12 hours and that helped me dilate to a 3, and began to get contractions (that were mild, thankfully). Tried to sleep throughout the night but contractions kept getting worse through the morning, ended up receiving some Nubain with an anti nausea med mixed in (this was incredible, allowed me to get some sleep but still dilate and feel every contraction!). By about 1 or so I was dilated to a 6 and 95% effaced, and I was in an extreme amount of pain so I had to decide between another IV pain med or the epidural. After my internal debate I got the epidural and thank God for it, seriously. Immediate relief (guy hit a nerve but was able to fix it and it didn't hurt at all, got immediate relief!!!) Then continued to dilate on my own to 10 cm, pushed for maybe 30 minutes max, including time waiting of the doc to show up, and had my beautiful baby boy at 8:30 PM! I am so in awe! Here's to hoping my recovery goes quickly!