Born 8-2-15

On 8-1-2015 at 12:30 am after over 24 hours of contractions ranging from every 3 minutes to every 10 I finally decided it was time to go to the hospital. My husband and I arrived at the hospital and I was admited at 1am and was told I was dilated to a 4. I was given pitocin since my contractions were irregular and shortly after was given an epidural which was AMAZING! I could finally sleep!! About 4 hours later the epidural started wear off in the left side and I could feel the contrActions again. I was given a booster which only slightly helped over the next few hours. By the time I had reached 10 cm it was     4 pm on 8-2-15 and the epidural had completely wore off and I could feel everything! I pushed for over 3 1/2 hours with little progress before it was decided I needed a c-Section. During the C-Section the baby was stuck and they had a hard time getting him out he had also swallowed the meconium in the uterus. Due to this he had a hard time breathing and spent the next 12 hours in the nursery with oxygen and being monitored. I didn't get to see and hold my little boy for 8 hours! All is well now and weare at home and Sebastian is doing awesome! Born 19.5 inches and 7lbs 14oz on 8-2-15 at 8:35 pm. 
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Gosh our birth stories are similar, except I did get to delivery vaginally, they threatened csection, but thank god I got him out! My epidural wore off completely too and they couldn't get it back right. Now I'm about 5 months pp and having a terrible time with back pain and numbness, great, lol. Congrats, baby boys are the best!! 


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So adorableeeee. And we share the same birthday! 💕