Helpful advice? Thoughts?

Okay! So I am roughly 4w4d with baby number 2. Before my son, who is 18ish months, I had 3 chemical pregnancies. I have serious lady issues, poly cystic ovaries, terrible periods and cramping and I believe endometriosis. With my son I was diagnosed with pre-E and had a really rough pregnancy. With baby 2 I found out at 2 weeks that I was pregnant and was already experiencing extreme nausea and vomiting, cramping, and fatigue. The past couple of days I have had severe cramping and sharp pains, low back pain, but no bleeding. I have taken 8 HPTs two were negative and the rest were very faint. I made an appointment with the new hope center in my area (more along the lines of free clinic not an abortion place) but I called my dr this morning and told them what is going on, and they advised me to go to the ER. So with all of this information, you you all think I should go to the new hope center, or the ER?