Just found out today

Carlye🎀 • Layla Irie, 6lb 7 oz, born 11/24 at 37 weeks 💞
That I'm going to be induced at 37 weeks. This is baby #2, and I'm due 12/14. During an ultrasound a few weeks ago they discovered an "Umbillical Vein Varix" which is a dialated vein, or varicose vein, in the baby's abdomen where the Umbillical cord meets. The issue with that is there is a possibility a clot could form, cut off blood flow, and result in fetal demise. I have been getting ultrasounds every 2 weeks to monitor the varix, and luckily to date it has not changed. Unfortunately in the event that they see a clot forming, there is nothing they can do. I had an appointment with my OB this morning and she advised me that due to the "high risk" nature of the condition, they will be inducing me at 37 weeks. Once the baby is born and the umbillical cord is cut, there will be no further complications or issues. I've been worried since we found out about the condition but have been trying not to stress because there is nothing we can do anyway. I'm excited we get to meet our baby earlier than we thought, but I'm also scared to bring her early. My son was born at 42 weeks so I'm not sure what to expect with an early baby. Not really sure what I'm looking for by posting this but just venting I guess!