Baby still sleeping with me please help

Okay so most aren't gonna agree with how I did this but I need advice on how to get my son to sleep alone. So when my son was first born he was in his crib. I had a c section so my boyfriend would be the one to get up an get him after I would feed him, I'd want him back in his bed and he listened but eventually caught the habit to just lay him with us. In the the beginning we where everywhere his moms moving back an forth moved to a different state etc. So I guess the bed became the easiest option. Problem is I'm 37 weeks an he's still with us and about to be one. I tried putting him in his crib but he literally wakes up the second I put him down. And it's become harder with how heavy he is and my belly in the way. And on top for that daddy works nights so I really get no help day or night anymore. Anyone had the same problem that successfully moved baby to own bed ?