Strangers say the most infuriating things!

I was at work, about to give a guy his flu shot and he said "you sure there's just one in there?" ha ha. Moving on. Then, "you're not due till December? Better lay off the hot fudge sundaes." Seriously??? Who says that to a pregnant lady, especially one about to stick you with a needle? I was so mad. I have been really good natured and non hormonal for this whole pregnancy but I have been a bit depressed about my weight gain. I've already gained 30 lb at 23 weeks and look like I've swallowed a watermelon. I keep comparing my belly at 23 weeks to these tiny bumps I see on here and at the same 23 weeks and I feel like a cow! I've been really health conscious for the past 10 years. As a somewhat chubby person most of my life I worked really hard to get to a healthy weight after college, and now it took just 23 weeks to get right back to where I was. My husband has been extremely supportive and tells me I've never been so beautiful as I am carrying our baby. My husband's opinion and healthy growing baby obviously matters so much more than this stupid a-hole who has no idea what we went through trying and hoping to get pregnant in the first place. Why do people especially strangers even need to say this stuff?