Perineal massage

Stephanie • 37 yo, EDD 11/14
Who's doing it? How are you doing it? And what are you using to do it? (Ie, olive oil, coconut oil, etc)
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Posted at
I did it with primrose oil with my last pregnancy. Plan to start this soon. I would puncture a hole in the tablet and apply it with my finger. It really was phenomenal with preventing tearing. My doctor was impressed haha! 


Posted at
I'm scared to try this, does it hurt??


Au • Aug 15, 2015
Lol yes that's for sure 😁


Lee-Ann • Aug 14, 2015
Even if it does sting a little its a lot less than when a baby comes out I'm sure!


Posted at
My husbands doing it, with sweet almond oil. I couldn't reach 😆 


Lee-Ann • Aug 14, 2015
You can check wikihow for instructions 😀


Posted at
I had a really hard time getting the angle right doing it myself so my husband does, which is good as he can give a lot more pressure than I can. We use almond oil or coconut oil. There's several good websites to show how to do it


Posted at
I heard to do it with coconut oil. I'm 33w5d tomorrow and haven't yet.