Could i be pregnant or not?

Linda • Ttc #3 with the love of my life my fiancé. We both want a nice big family. Im hopeful and wishful that this app helps us
Im 10dpo or 11dpo af due 8/19 and at 2dpo i became completely constipated with off and on hot flashes and dizziness. At 5dpo i had cramps in my lower abdomen. At 7dpo my nipples became very sore and my appetite has increased tremendously. To the point if i skip a meal i get aches and feel very nauseous. Not to mention the major tooth aches i had. I stopped eating sweets years ago. At 9dpo the tender nipples stopped. (Thank goodness) but my vagina walls are completely swollen now. I tried to check my cervix this morning and i could barely fit a finger. My cervix is high very soft slippery and closed. Last cycle around this time it had lowered and opened up and was dry. Plz give feel free to give me your opinions ladies. 

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