Nightmare before Xmas baby shower

I'm obsessed with this movie and found all these ideas.. Baby's due March would this be a weird theme to have? To childish? Lol I'm 24. 😁

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Posted at
My wedding was Doctor Who themed. Totally childish, but who cares! If it makes you happy that's what matters :) our nursery will either be Star Wars or dragons and our shower will reflect that. Just because you're getting older doesn't mean you can't enjoy the fun things in life. Just means your kids will have more in common with u! 💀 nightmare betore Christmas all the way! 


Jess • Aug 14, 2015
That's too cute :) our little boys name will be Ender from Enders Game. 😁


Mandy • Aug 14, 2015
This is awesome!! Our nursery is doctor who themed and our little girl is going to be named Clara.


Posted at
I know its not the same but my wedding was nightmare before Christmas theme. Our baby room is gonna be sock monkey theme. I didn't even think about doing Nightmare! Great idea


Curry • Aug 14, 2015
thanks :D it was two shades of purple :D I say go ahead and do the nightmare theme:) I'm 24 (don't remember if I mentioned that) and my husband is 30. never too old. :D


n. • Aug 14, 2015
I love your cake!!


Posted at
I'm doing my baby's crib in nightmare before Christmas!  😁 I just have to find out who sells it! 


Posted at
That's awesome. I love that movie.


Posted at
If you love it do it! It's your baby shower and I love love love that movie I watch it at least once a month. But if you love it don't change it because others may think it's weird or childish. I know women who do spongebob and dr Seuss themed baby showers. Your winning because I love that movie & your theme! 😊


Posted at
That would be awesome! 


Posted at
That's  amazing actually 😍😍


Posted at
I'm obsessed with Tim Burton. If I was having a baby shower I would definitely go for that theme!!!


Posted at
I am sorry, I meant to say not too childish and hit yes. I love this idea for a baby shower!!!


Posted at
Super cute!!