TTC and worried

We've been trying to conceive for a few months now and my cycles have been fairly regular so in June we decided to try an OPK we did the BD every other day especially on peak day. I noticed some light pink tinted discharge for a few days between July 2nd-4th. Which is odd and I've never had that before. I was informed it could have been implantation bleed (which id never heard of until then). But I just shrugged it off. Well I was scheduled to get my period on July 16th but it was late so when it still hadn't come by the 19th I took a CBDigital test and it was negative. Well a few more days passed still no period so I tested again on the 21st and 24th still a negative. Well I ended up getting my period on the 26th. So I didn't think much more about it. However I've recently been feeling off. Frequently peeing, feeling bloated, irritable and what not, so I'm not to sure what's going on. And was hoping someone would have some advice. 
Side Note: I typically wouldn't be so worried but miscarried at 17weeks back in January and it worries me because I didn't know I was pregnant until I was 11weeks because my period was late in October and tested but it was negative but got my period a few days later so I didn't think otherwise untill I missed my period in November so I tested again and it was positive so that's when I saw my doctor and he confirmed I conceived in late September so I guess I'm worried because I obviously have a past with false negatives.