How to tell doctor...?

Anonymous • 24, married, TTC for almost 3 years. Love the app, community, and support from y`all lovely ladies.
Hey, I'm 24 and have been TTC for 3 years with my DH now. I've never done this before and have no idea how to get the doctor to take me seriously. My last surgery was December 2012 and I was told I'd need another 6-8 months from then. Well, it's August 2015 and I moved to America 2 months after the December surgery. Since then all I've had is problem after problem with PCPs. I've changed doctors at least 5 times because they just weren't listening to me and how much pain I've been in, and how depressed I'm getting because most days all I can do is sit at home with a heat pad on my belly. I have the pics from my last surgery so they could see the extent of the endo (it was the worst my surgeon had seen in his 15 years as an ob/gyn surgeon) but they still just shrug and tell me I'll be ok, to keep taking Tylenol (which isn't doing anything for my pain anymore), and to keep TTC because I'm young so I shouldn't have any problems. Well, if I shouldn't have any problems then why am I?! How do I tell them to refer me to ob/gyn so I can get the surgery I need, and how do I get them to understand the difficulty I'm having in TTC? I just get dismissed every time because I'm 24 so, in their minds, I'm just attention seeking and want drugs. If I wanted drugs I'd tell them. But I just want a freakin referral so I can get surgery! I've not once mentioned anything about getting stronger pain relief from them. They jumped to that conclusion on their own. It's so frustrating!! 
Thanks in advance ladies. I truly appreciate you reading my rant and helping me.