Am I wrong

Alright ladies, here's the story: my DH has a bad back and it keeps him awake sometimes. Last night he couldn't sleep because it was hurting so bad, I talked to him when I got up and mentioned that I wanted Panera bagels for breakfast (this was at 8 AM), he said okay but he wanted to lay down for an hour or so and get some sleep. I told him that if he laid down he wouldn't get back up and he promised me he'd set an alarm and get up. His alarm went off at 9:30, and he shut it off. It's now nearly 1 PM and he's still asleep. Am I wrong for being mad or is he wrong for promising me and then going back on it. He has a sleeping pill he can take to sleep but he didn't take it last night because he said he was in too much pain. What do you all think? 

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