Your experience with the depo shot

Jade • 16 years young with a beautiful baby girl 🎀 Instagram: JadeJackson7890
I plan to get on birth control soon & I don't want the pill or an implant, I would rather take the shot. So what was your experience? The side effects? Just inform me on it since I've never been on birth control before & don't know anything about it. 
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Depo eats away at your bones. I would avoid depo at all costs... They told me I would have to get a yearly bone exam. And after I decided to get off of it it took half a year to even get a period and it's been like 2 and a half years now and I'm still not regular. 


Posted at
It's always different with every individual but I never had a problem with it once!(On it 4 years)The only side effect for me was cravings! But I have a fast metabolism so weight gain wasn't an issue :)Like I said.. different for everyone!


Kristan • Aug 17, 2015
Same here was on it 6 years but I had a friend who had a few problems like hair lost and weight gain


Posted at
I've heard nothing but bad things about depo shots. It caused my sister to end up with all these awful bumps that bled and a friend to bleed for 3 months straight. I personally would recommend an IUD (more specifically skyla because it's geared towards first timers) and though there are effects it's been a complete blessing. I've also tried every birth control and the IUD has been the most successful


Posted at
If you are on the depo to prevent Bone density, you should take 600mg of calcium with vitamin D twice a day with water 


Posted at
I'd avoid it. I was in it 1.5 years last injection was oct 2013. Didn't get it again January 2014. My side effect was engorged painful breasts and dark blood coming out. Then I went on nuvaring then the pill. 2 years (almost 3) I'm ovulating and having periods. The positive side is no periods, and does it jobs. But some women bleed for 3+ months straight while on depo. And some have gotten pregnant on depo.


Posted at
I've been in depo for 4 months now and it honestly just really depends on how your body handles certain amounts of hormones. Mine, not too good. I get really grumpy and emotional. And lord, the cravings you get. Before I took depo, I was 105? I'm not at 117. 😂 it will make you gain weight. As for the bone part, you need to take calcium pills so your bones won't mess up later in life. Overall , I'm not a big fan of depo. 


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I hated it! I bled like the entire time and my doctor didn't tell me that it effects calcium levels so now I have degeneration in both shoulders and bursitis in both hips. I'm only 23.


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My experience with the depo was... Negative. I would get no periods and then a period from hell to make up for all the ones I missed. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night it got so bad. There was also the emotional effects.I got upset very easily and cried all the time. One time I cried at a family dinner when my grandpa told me to wait to eat till everyone had been served. Embarrassing. 


Posted at
The shot doesn't make you gain weight it just increases your appetite. So if you give in to the urges you will gain weight! My period stopped completely after the first shot and I really had no symptoms besides being hungry all the time. But if you continue your normal diet you won't have an issue!


Posted at
It affects everyone differently. When I took it, I had my period every day for 5 months straight and it messed up my hormon balance for about a year.