Ectopic pregnancy

August 2 I found out I was pregnant after a blighted ovum miscarriage in May. We were beyond excited, did blood work that Wednesday and Friday and my hcg and progesterone levels were perfect.  Nurse was confident that it was a good pregnancy but allowed us to do an early ultrasound on the 17. We were so excited my two boys knew that we were going to the baby dr. Went in and we found only a gestational sac that was measuring 5 weeks 4 days. I was devistated. Dr ordered more blood work to check levels, got the call this morning they were at 47'000!!  I was happy but dr was very concerned informed me that at that level we should of seen something in the sac, so we are now treating it as an ectopic and I go in this afternoon for the medication to hopefully remove it. If this does not work then I have surgery by next week. I'm so hurt, scared, sad, angry and so much more!! My two little boys are sad because they both want another sibling. I feel like a horrible mom for even telling them and now I feel like I'm breaking their hearts by telling them that the baby has to go to heaven. I just want to crawl into a hole and cry!!