How can I move past it?

I got my BFP on June 25 and started bleeding the next day. It was a chemical pregnancy and my levels didn't get back to normal till July 10. It wasn't a planned pregnancy, it was just one weekend of my husband and I deciding to risk it. We were both so excited and then devastated. It's been nearly 2 months and I just can't seem to move past it. I know it was a very early miscarriage, and the baby didn't even have a heartbeat yet, but every day I can't help thinking about it and thinking about how I'd be nearly 12 weeks by now. My husband wants to wait to start trying till December, but I want to start trying now. I don't want to replace that baby but all I want is to be a Mom. We've talked about it endlessly, but I don't think he understands how difficult it is for me to wait. How can I move past my miscarriage and be okay with waiting to start TTC till December? Please help, I'm at my wits end.