The last straw!!! 😡

We've been married almost 10yrs and had some really tough times in those years. He's cheated before in the first year of marriage. I forgave because I really truly loved him. Three years later I was suspicious of cheating but didn't have proof other than inappropriate texts. Some people would say that's proof enough but he pleaded and swore it was nothing. Fast forward to 2015. Everything was finally going great in our relationship and we decided to start trying to conceive.  We were successful right away, I'm 26 weeks now and today I find text messages from a girl calling him papi (daddy) and amor (similar to sweetheart). He told her he could see her today but she said she couldn't.  I confronted him and he says its nobody and won't even accept the fact that he's been caught. He will never admit the truth. He's the type of guy that will deny deny deny even if I walked in on him and saw it happening with my own eyes. I'm so crushed not so much over him because I know I deserve better and will find better. But I'm so sad my daughter will not grow up in a home with her parents. I feel stupid for not catching it sooner.  I thought we were so happy and everything was great. I can't for my sake spend another day in this marriage and waste another 10 years waiting for him to change. I don't need advice, this is more of a warning to others in this situation, once a cheater always a cheater.  They may act right for months or even years but eventually their true colors come out. Please if you have this problem and are not married cut you're losses now before you get married!!! If you're married and in this situation I sorry, know that others have been there, you are not alone find a good support group. I wouldn't tell someone to end their marriage because I know from experience that if you are not ready to leave no one can convince you to.Â