My Princess is here! 8/20/15 ❤️

ShaKerra • Mom to a 6yr old Princess... trying for another Princess.
After timing contractions from 9am-3pm, I finally decided to go to the ER. Upon getting there, I had no idea of staying because they weren't really "sticking". Got to triage & had very high blood pressure as well as protein in my urine (preeclampsia) so I had to be induced. Got pitocin started around 6pm which brought my contractions to about 5 minutes apart. Had to have a balloon inserted so that I could dilate from 1-4 & did that within 3 hours. Dilated from a 5-10 in a matter of 2 hours. I decided to ask for an epidural but when I did, I was already 10cm (sheesh!). Not long after pushing, my darling daughter was born at 11:50pm at 37+6 weeks. Never knew what real love was until I saw & held you.