Really confused 😔 need help ladies 😢

Ok, so my af was due on the 15.08 and it came on the 18.08 but it was different, I usually have bad cramps and it's very heavy but this time only lasted 2 days in stead of 4-5 and I had dark brown spotting for a couple of days. I had headaches every day since 10.08 and sore boobs as well and I am really exhausted like never before. Yesterday I started to have period like cramps and some sort of creamy cm with a very small cloth and  my boobs feel very sensitive, I also have lower back pain sorry TMI. I took a hpt this morning and it's bfn (blue dye). Have any of you experienced something similar before and turned out to be pregnant? Ttc #1 for more than a year. Help please! 😢 thanks