Hubby wants sex all the time.

It was never a problem but when I say all the time I mean multiple times a day. We have been living together since last xmas and there hasn't been one solitary day of no sex. I'm 35 weeks pregnant and we still have sex at least 2-3 daily. I want to stay active and I'm hoping it helps with labor... but I just feel overwhelmed because he just doesn't seem to understand that not everyday is a good day, if I don't want to get down then I'm holding out, or acting funny and it's really not that.. pregnancy has a lot of side effects I've tried to explain to him. The aches n pains. The nauseating sickness, the farts. The constipation. I just hate having to constantly say ... I don't feel good and he will get all huffy about it, side remarks like as soon as he leaves for work I'll feel better.. etc etc.

Sorry for the rant just feeling rung the hell out.