What do I do?

Megan • Happily married. One 2015 angel baby, little girl born Sept 2016, & one due June 2019.
Last week I started bleeding and went to the doctors 8/17. We saw our little one on US and measured at 7w1d even though I was 8w1d according to my LMP. My doc didn't seem worried about the bleeding or being a week off. When I went home the bleeding got worse and I had awful cramps. Called the doc and they said to wait it out. Continued to cramp and bleed with clots all week. I prepared myself for my appointment on Monday 8/24 which would have been out "confirmation appointment". Well, it was confirmed what I already knew, I miscarried the week prior. Blood test came back today and all my levels are back to zero/normal so I didn't need a D&C. I just feel awful that my baby was thrown away on a pad. Is that wrong?
My husband is being so strong and positive and just want to cry as scream. A million questions run through my head. 
I take metformin to regulate my cycles (I'm not diabetic) and was told to continue taking it until we met with the doctor. I missed a few pills here and there, did that cause it? We conceived on our second round of clomid. I figured my progesterone levels weren't enough and that's maybe what caused it. I had Hand, Foot, and Mouth virus at 7 weeks, did that cause it?
Only my husband and I knew I was pregnant. We planned on telling family this week and our extended family this weekend at a party. How do I face them all when they have no idea in the first place? 
I need to talk to someone but I don't know who. My mom and I are close and I have a friend who has had 7 miscarriages and works with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep as a photographer but my husband doesn't know her that well. I just don't know where to turn!