Back labor or just plain labor? Thoughts please.

Sarah • Wachacha crew and counting! Back for round 2!
So I'm a FTM and I'm 38 weeks and 6 days. The past few days I've been having back pain. Normal I know. I've also had shooting pains down there which I figured was lightning crotch. But in the last few hours my back pain has worsened some and sometimes wraps around to the front. I also feel like the top of my legs where it turns to your pelvic area, is like throbbing. My mom has back labor but can't recall how it felt that much. I was dilated to a two around 3 weeks ago but hadn't dropped. I noticed tonight that I have dropped some. I also get little throb feelings near my vagina. Like it's not painful but annoying. But I can't lift my legs to high without shooting pain and also hurts to walk. Any ideas?