Marijuana use

I use to be a heavy smoker, I've quit since finding out I'm pregnant! A friend of my SO has a girlfriend who said she smoked during her pregnancies and her doctor even prescribed it?!? I just can't believe this.. but she said she smoked during both pregnancies with no issues to her children. I'm not posting this so I can smoke while pregnant because I would never but has anyone heard of this? 
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Don't be fooled my sister smoked during her first pregnancy because of extreme all day and night sickness and her doctor knew. Needless to say child protective services took her daughter and took almost a year to get full custody back.


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I doubt it. Smoking anything is bad for the baby's lungs and it's illegal 


Sarah • Aug 31, 2015
Erin in Colorado it is not legal to use while pregnant. I personally know someone who faced charges and CPS was involved because it is still child neglect/ abuse.


Marti♡ • Aug 31, 2015
Like Maria said lol. You're not breathing they aren't, would you blow smoke in a newborns face? No so why do it while pregnant


Erin • Aug 31, 2015
I'm in Colorado where it is legal


Posted at
Even where marijuana use is legal it is not legal to use while pregnant. If tested and positive, you can be charged with child neglect and abuse and most certainly face CPS charges. So I HIGHLY doubt a medical professional prescribed marijuana as medication. 


Melanie • Feb 21, 2016
There are other things a doctor can prescribe...just because a doctor suggests it doesn't mean it's the only option either. Just take pills or deal w/the sickness....throwing up won't hurt baby but smoking might.


Sarah • Aug 31, 2015
I'm not sure about that April. I personally know someone who tested positive in Colorado where it's legal and she faced charges of child neglect and abuse because it is illegal while pregnant. At least under Colorado law.


April • Aug 31, 2015
it can be prescribed during pregnancy. it up to weather the dr feels if the benefits outweight the risks. if someone suffers extreme morning sickness so lack of nutrition threatens mothers and babies health it can be prescribed because the health is immediately in danger


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I have no friends who smoked weed and had healthy babies lol there was always something wrong.


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I only smoked twice with my first pregnancy . I smoke now when I'm having really bad nausea or can't get comfy to sleep. Just don't use cigarillos cause of the Tobacco 


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Smoking anything is bad, pregnant or not.


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Yes. A few friends did, and they have perfectly healthy babies.


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I've never heard of it being prescribed, but I have heard of people continuing to smoke while pregnant. I read a study about women who smoked marijuana during pregnancy and they tested the babies throughout a year after they were born and showed no defects or learning problems. Some babies of women who smoked seemed to even be more social. I think it's definitely something that should be looked more into, and every study on it should account for women also continuing to smoke cigarettes or drink, which several studies that claimed it caused birth defects didn't seem to account for.


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People get prescribed marijuana for morning sickness and insomnia in some states. And as far as what I have read and heard it is Not smoking it, but eating. Someone got prescribed special suckers and goodies to eat in the morning to ease the sickness and I read about someone taking some thc oil (sublingual I think?) to help sleep at night. So who knows? Only the long term effects will tell what it truly does. I don't think it is worth the risk but I do think if used responsibly by women with a good sense of morality and self discipline it will be better than using chemical filled over the counter drugs. 


Marissa • Aug 31, 2015
(Noted I don't think that it is right and would not recommend using any type of drugs especially during pregnancy.)


Posted at
My sister inlaw gets medicinal marijuana(edible) for her pregnancy complications. She is on pregnancy number 7, she had miscarriages and stillbirths all different times, she is 24. She has alot of complications and her body has been preparing to push her baby out since her 16th week. She should be due end of July but she will be lucky to make it to spring. After this pregnancy she is getting her tubes tied to prevent any further health complications to her.