No period this month.NoBFP

So its finally the end of the month and i still haven't had my period. I was due on the 21st of August.Im never this late. I just tested and got a bfn.Has anyone ever gotten a really late bfp?
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Posted at
Im still getting bfn my period is almost 2 weeks late 😕 im going to get a blood test this week if it doesnt start. I dont have any real symptoms just dull stomach n back cramp ,sleepy all the time and sore body.Fingers crossed


Posted at
My friend never got a positive from a home pregnancy test. She took a couple and it was always negative. She was sick and thought she had the flu and went to the doctors they did blood tests and discovered she was 10 weeks pregnant! Her doctor said some woman never get positive home pregnancy tests. 


Posted at
I'm in the same boat ! Mine was due the 25th. I've gotten some faints but nothing is getting darker. I'm at a loss right now on what to do 


Posted at
I always have between 27 and 31 day cycles but in Jan. I didn't receive a period for 47 days. I kept testing being that it had almost been 2months and to my surprise I was pregnant but I ovulated on cd35 So that through everything off


Sole • Aug 31, 2015
Yes it was negative for a whole week, they did blood work and found out I was pregnant but my urine wasn't detecting it for some reason


Margaret • Aug 31, 2015
So your HPTs were negative? Did you wind up getting a blood test?