My prayers were answered

    So when my husband and I started out TTC journey a couple months ago we knew we only had 5 months to get pregnant or we were going to have to put it on hold for two years (long story lol) I knew it wasn't likely but I am super fertile so I also knew it wasn't impossible. My first daughter was a wake up call from a life lived in sin, God took something ugly (the sin) and made it into something beautiful after I handed him the reigns. That being said baby number two was very important to me that we get to TRY for this child. So at the beginning of the journey I prayed and asked for God to not let me get pregnant until August as I felt that was a good amount of time of trying.
    My mind quickly changed as I felt pregnant the first month, I took a test and sure enough I was pregnant. But sadly ended in a chemical pregnancy. I was upset that God would allow that to happen but kept in mind what I had asked of him. The second month the same thing happened. Before these chemicals I wanted this baby but am also terrified of delivery and post partum recovery as that was super rough on me the first time, so a small part of me was on the fence. But after the chemicals I was all in. I didn't get pregnant again for awhile but in the back of my mind I knew augest was going to be my month. 
    Well guess what? It was! I got my BFP this morning and I dropped to the floor, I couldn't stop praying "thank you". God is soooooo good! I'm so amazed by him and for him to answer my prayers exactly and help me get all in for this child I am just so blown away.
   Sometimes Gods answer is No, I'm used to that lol as a child of God I'm sure I ask for a lot of silly things. But sometimes his answer is yes! 
I'm so excited and pumped for God right now you guys you don't even know. Lol