BH contractions

Danira • Mom of one and waiting for another one to arrive! Happy wife, perfect husba! Life is amazing, enjoy it to the fullest!
Anybody experiencing BH contractions already? I'm 22 weeks and I have them all day long basically everyday since I turned 19 weeks. I've gone to triage (clinic at the hospital) a couple of times and no change in cervix which is good news but the contractions are there. Two days ago I started experiencing more increase in my discharge and all day today I've had pain in lower back and pain. This is my second baby and my first one I started contracting at 25 weeks and she was born at 34 weeks due to placenta abruption. They are measuring my cervix every two weeks with this one but the discharge is new and the leg pain is constant. Anybody else had symptoms like this and made it to full term!? I am so on edge making sure I don't contract so much that my placenta abrupts again.