Spanking children in public

OK so I'm writing an article for a website and my topic is spanking your child while I public. I need a survey from real people all over the country and world who have children. And this is the place for that lol

So I just want to know if you have ever spanked your child in public?

A smack on the butt or hand out in the public?

Just vote yes or no. I will not need comments so I won't even read them.

And by spanking and smacking I mean just one spank/smack. Not repeatedly smacking, not leaving a bruise, not leaving a welt, and not harming the child.

I'll need AT LEAST 100 votes but I would LOVE 200+

Again just vote yes if you ever have, you do, or you would if you had to. Vote no if you never have, never would, or if you don't.

This is for everyone with kids and who are pregnant or even planning to have kids. I will NOT being using anything other than the percentage and total number of voters. Please be honest and if you choose to leave a comment that is fine but I won't need them so I won't be responding or even reading them.

Thank you!!!

Vote below to see results!