Mother in law rant

I can't stand my mother in law. 
She has told his grandmother that she loves her son but will not talk to him while he is with a mutt (meaning me) 
If he calls her she tells him to f***k off and never call again. She caused me a lot of stress in my last pregnancy that ended at 8 weeks from a miscarriage and she is trying to stress me out now and get me and him to break up, 
I stopped talking to her when I had the miscarriage as I do blame her and her eldest son for going off at me punching my partner and kicking my car door in while I was in the car, 
I don't want her in the baby's life as all she does is drink and take drugs. We have even moved 3hours away, 
But somehow she keeps causing me stress. I told my partner how I feel and  he said its up to me if the baby doesn't awe her, I know it's his mother but I can't let my child be around someone that only cares about drugs and drinking and can't even look after her own children. 
Sorry that's was so long, she really makes me angry! 😡😡😡