I'm feeling a little depressed...

Sarah • 24, TTC Baby 2. Bring on the anxiety. Haha

I've tried to remain optimistic this month, I've tried to be positive.

I am currently visiting with my grandparents who I haven't seen in more than 2 years, and I'm so sad about having to leave them. I don't know if AF is making me so emotional or if I'm pregnant. We have been actively trying, and AF is supposed to arrive on 9/9. I've had pregnancy symptoms since the first 4 days after ovulation (very tender breasts, tired, emotional) but all my tests have been negative. On Wednesday I had some light cramps but they didn't last terribly long. And ever since then I've been so emotional. I'm trying to not test until Monday or Tuesday, because I don't want to be any sadder than I already am.

Sigh. My hormones are fucking me up this week. Lol