Charlie <3

Rachel • My husband and son are my world!
Wednesday, the 2nd, Charles James Rutherford came into our lives via c-section--he was 39w5d (scheduled induction that turned into "planned" c-section due to decelerations in his heart rate during contractions)--he's 6 pounds, 5 ounces and stole mine and my husband's hearts at first sight <3 he gave us a bit of a scare because he had low blood sugar for too long after birth and we had to give him formula to try and get it to normal, he ended up going to the NICU for 2 days though with an iv for glucose--his blood sugar is back on track and we are transitioning to breast feeding currently--although my husband is still in school and I'm taking off school to stay home with Charlie, and we are both only 21, I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything in the world--hearing that first cry, even though I couldn't see him at first over the curtain for the c-section, hearing him was the absolute best feeling in the world--and seeing him for the first time and having everything start to become reality, that was the very best feeling--I am now convinced there is no better feeling than having a child <3