My Personal Experience with Mirena

Bobbie Jo • Be kind.
About 2.5 months ago, I decided to get Mirena. I was tired of the pill and I knew that IUDs are even more effective than the pill. My gyno gave me a cervical softener to use before the "procedure" and it made me pretty crampy. The next day, I went in for the Mirena......
It was THE most painful experience of my life. I have broken bones and that didn't even compare to getting Mirena. I cried the rest of the day, popped some prescribed pain pills and hoped for the best. 
Unfortunately, I had cramps nearly every day I had it. I'm not talking normal period cramps. I'm talking the pain where it literally knocks the wind out of you, you double over and you cry. My doctor told me to give it six weeks and said the cramps would subside. They didn't. A little over 2 months, I got it taken out and I just wanted to let you all know that this "miracle" birth control is anything but.