Too early for Braxton Hicks?

I am 24 weeks. Baby is measuring about a week ahead. This is baby #4 and I never really had Braxton Hicks with any of my previous pregnancies. I am high risk due to incompetent cervix, my oldest was born at 25 weeks and with every following pregnancy I've had a cerclauge placed to be able to carry the babies to term. And my 2nd and 3rd pregnancy were both close to term. With this pregnancy I have had a lot of pain in my cervix, which I know is normal. But now tonight I'm experiencing what feels like could be small contractions. I've tried changing position, got up and walked around which are a few things I've heard will make Braxton Hicks stop, but these haven't stopped. I don't wanna wake my husband and rush to the hospital for nothing. Thinking about calling the doctor. But wanted to see if I could get some opinions first. Does it sound like Braxton Hicks? Or possibly pre-term labor?