Over producing

I don't want to sound like I am complaining because I know a lot of women struggle with producing enough, however, I feel like I am over producing. My lo is 3 months old and in the last week or so I feel like my supply has increased a lot and she's not able to eat as much as I produce and I become engorged and have to pump. I was pumping usually 1 time over night and 1 time after her morning feed. Now I can easily do that plus 2 more times through the day. I know pumping signals my body to make more but I can't stand the pain of being engorged. My left side is constantly so full she can't even latch on it and I usually have to pump a little to get it softer for her to latch. I have been freezing a ton of milk already have 90 bags stored which I am grateful for. I just don't understand why I am all the sudden making so much. She is just finally starting to sleep at night and I can't go more than 4 hours without feeling like I'm gonna bust. Sigh ... I just wish she could latch easily throughout the day. Anyone else over producing ? I'm thankful for my supply don't get me wrong, just don't know why it's so heavy all the sudden.