
Stephanie • 33 & SO is 37 - 1DD born Fall 2017 that took a little over two years to conceive, 1DS born Fall 2020

I'm so frustrated with TTC. I'm 27 and we've been TTC for 6 months, which I know is a lot less than most ladies here but I'm scared now that I may fertility issues. DH got the results of his SA today and he has a little above average sperm count and the specialist says that everything looks great with him so we know now that he's not the issue.

I was on oral birth control for 10 years and it took me a year and a half once I came off of it for AF to be regular again. I had a visit with my doctor a year after I came off BC because of how irregular AF was and he reassured me that I shouldn't worry and that it was just my body adjusting. AF was been fairly regular since about August last year (2014) I've attached a screen shot of my cycles since October last year (2014) just so you all can see. (Click to enlarge so you can see the whole thing) It's showing 39 days now for this cycle and AF has yet to show, I tested on Sunday (September 6) and it was a BFN. I do plan on testing again in the next couple days just to check again. I have no symptoms of AF (i normally have sore breasts, breakout in the face and spot a couple days before hand) and I also have no symptoms of pregnancy. I want this so badly.

What's your take on it all? And thanks for letting me vent! :)