Is stress hurting my baby?

I am a ftm living and work at a very business-driven preschool in nyc, focusing on customer service and operations. My job is usually stressful, but in a way that most jobs are. I Iove the fast-paced competitive world of nyc. However, this past week I put in several hours of overtime, which with my commute meant I was away from home/working for about 14 hours a day. In addition, because we work with very privileged families I have a lot of moms who like to yell at me until they get their way (with things like having a play time in the gym- it's not that big of a deal). I was literally (due to someone quitting) doing the job of 3 people at a very busy location. Now, my belly is starting to cramp... I'm worried that the stress of my job is hurting my baby! Should I be worried? I'm not sure whether to call the doctor or not, or just rest and relax. I've talked to my managers and all they keep saying is "thanks" and "you're working hard" but not taking my request for help seriously. Not sure what to do :/ I feel helpless.