Long rant, need opinions

I'm 22 and my fiancée is 26 we are 27 weeks pregnant and moved back in with my parents because we were struggling financially and wanted to have a little money for when the baby was born. Initially when we moved in with them they said they were going to help me out when I can no longer work, and now that it's getting closer to the time they expect my fiancée to pay my half of the rent. Is it just me or does anyone else think that's a lot to ask? We pay $800 to live in their downstairs bedroom. I get that it's a lot cheaper than having our own place but I just thought they would want to help us out a little more. I work two minimum wage jobs and still can't afford to pay my bills. I hate having to ask him for money as I feel it should be 50/50 in a relationship but my parents are old fashioned and think he should be working over time to support me. Just need some opinions thanks in advance.