Not knowing...

Sam • Married my best friend 2014 💕 Mother to Piper Adelaide 💜 and our angel baby Phoenix Indy 💚 Rainbow baby due May 12!💛
We had a miscarriage at 10 weeks, I was told about it the end of June decided to let things happen naturally mostly because I was in denial and kept thinking it couldn't be. Then the end of July I started bleeding and almost bled to death by the time my husband got me to the hospital I was starting to go into shock so they did an emergency D&C and transfusion. Now we just got a BFP and no clue how as we have only been together once since and used protection. So we have no clue how far I am as I never had AF following everything.  My HCG was 2,000 and an US on Wednesday only showed a very small sac. I've been having such horrible cramping and spotting again like I did last time when we starting going to see the dr about it not feeling right. I'm just so horribly worried it's happening again. I go for another US on Wednesday but other than that the doctor has no more blood work or anything. I just wish I knew. We want so badly for our little girl, Piper, to have a sibling on earth. Has anyone had any similar situation?
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My OBGYN said your first three cycles after a MC are most fertile because your body remembers how to be pregnant. For us it took two cycles after our loss. I think it's also when and how much sex you have that helps with getting pregnant (and then some luck!)


Ali • Sep 13, 2015
Oh sorry I posted this in the wrong post... How did that happen?!


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I will respond to You though!!I did get a bfp the cycle after my MC. My Dr told me that it is common because your hcg levels take some time to come down. I wasn't preg and never felt preg.


Ali • Sep 13, 2015
But maybe you are preg! Our bodies work mysteriously! Keep us updated.