Placenta previa...calling previous c section mamas

Jessica • Boy mom 👦🏼💙👶🏼
So I had a c section with my first almost 2 1/2 years ago. I'm 16 weeks with baby #2 and I've been experiencing a lot pressure and even se cramping. I went into my doctor last Thursday because the pressure was so bad and my dr have an ultra sound and vag exam and said everything was fine and to just take it easy..
Well off and on since I've had pressure and some cramping, could it be from scar tissue stretching from the previous c section? Or I've read that having lots of pressure can be a sign of placenta previa...just wondering if anyone else has had simar symptoms. I go back to the dr on Tuesday 😕 thanks ladies!
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I've hit the same milestone, mama bear!  There is much more round ligament pain at around 16 weeks (baby is growing and demanding more space. Yay.) Any scar tissue can definitely magnify discomfort (pinching, stabbing), and tense muscles can lead to painful spasms or BH contractions.   The best thing to do is help your body relax  (a good bath, quiet time, simple yoga stretches or breathing exercises, support belt) and if your Dr said everything is fine, try to trust them. :). Placenta previa is when some or all of your placenta is sitting over your cervix.  Spotting or bleeding would be a common symptom of this... More than the, "I just had intercourse" sort of spotting.  Hang in there, sunshine!!


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I've had the same pressure I told my doc the baby felt heavy I'm also carrying this one low turns out to be a boy but the did an earlier ultrasound and a trans vag ultrasound everything is fine they said it could be from the scar tissue from my previous c section the stretching is causing aching I swore I was losing the baby but he's healthy I'm fine so I know what your going threw I never experienced this with my daughter I'm two days from being 29 weeks


Samantha • Sep 14, 2015
I also got a maternity band to help support my belly and relieve my ligaments a little bit it helps standing up to long kills me


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I had a ton of pain and almost a throbbing pain near my scar and went to the doctor because it was a weird pain and he said the muscles there are weaker since the csection so it will probably be more painful and to try not to stretch or lift anything heavy since those muscles are already weak. My scar is kinda thick from a hurried csection.