Can you definitely get pregnant from pre cum?

Jaymi • Hi guys I'm Jaymi :3 I have a boyfriend of 2 years and I'm happily in a relationship :D
My boyfriend and I had sex a long time ago, I mean this was really long ago, and we had sex maybe 1 with a condom and 2 time without one, yeah I know I was immature for my age bc I have anxiety problems and that since we didn't use a condom I and I automatically thought I made the wrong choice and that I was automatically pregnant from the pre cum, he did pull out pretty well so there wasn't anything to worry about there but still the pre cum convinced me I could be pregnant so I got the plan b and took it and I was fine, overall is there a high risk of getting pregnant from pre cum? Please I really wanna know bc I am planning to have sex when I am actually ready thank you :3