Was it colostrum?

Brook • First time mommy!
My hubby and I went out to eat a couple weeks ago. I got the chicken sandwich and fries. Towards the end of the meal, I noticed a wet spot in my shirt. It slowly got bigger and bigger 'til half of my shirt was wet! I noticed it was oily, so I thought I had dropped a fry down my shirt or something lol! I said, "what is happening?! uh....we gotta go!" So I rushed to the bedroom stripped off my bra, expecting to see a fry drop on the floor (hey, those puppies are getting big, don't judge lol). But nope, no fry. Just a very wet breast and an oily shirt. Was it colostrum? I don't know what else it could be but it hasn't happened since. Now I'm paranoid it's gonna start leaking when we're out again. I'm almost 24 weeks. What do you think ladies?